Saturday, February 9, 2013

Red Top Rumble

Red Top Rumble is my favorite race! I have done this race the last 4 years and every year it is lots of fun. The GUTS group do a great job with the race and there is lots of great food afterwards. Typically, I just enjoy the day and have a good time with friends. This time I had revenge on my mind. Feeling a bit depressed after Mtn Mist the previous weekend I decided that that it was PR time. I desperately needed a pick up so I figured a PR on my favorite course would be just the trick. No pressure!

As per usual, the morning was cold but bright and sunny. I started off as fast as I could in the pack and whenever a space opened up I took it. I ran like this for about 2 miles and was breathing hard. A bunch of us were in a pack and Leslie remarked that I am quiet when I am in race mode. I replied I can't talk, I am breathing too hard! Shortly after this I had to walk for a bit. I went out too hard. A bunch of people passed but Leslie hung with me. We started running again at a more comfortable but fast pace and quickly walked all the hills. I never looked at my Garmin but knew based on the amount of people around us I was probably still in good shape to PR. Leslie was great company and we kept each other distracted and soon we were heading back in to the finish. I knew the last bit was mostly down hill so I sprinted and gave it all I had left. I finished and it was a 15 min PR! Woo Hoo! So, I suck slightly less than I thought last week :)

It was a great weekend and a perfect way to celebrate my birthday!

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